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Is same difference an oxymoron?

Is same difference an oxymoron?
  1. A common oxymoron is the phrase « the same difference »
  2. This phrase qualifies as an oxymoron because the words « same » and « difference » have opposite meanings
  3. Bringing them together into one phrase can produce a verbally puzzling, yet engaging, effect

D’ailleurs, What does the oxymoron open secret mean? something supposedly secret but actually known quite generally

What are the 5 example of oxymoron? 10 Examples of Common Oxymorons

What is the opposite of oxymoron? The antonym for ‘Oxymoron’ is ‘Tautology’ or ‘Pleonasm’ Explanation: Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two words or phrases with opposing meaning are used intentionally for effect whereas Tautology or Pleonasm means the use of same thing twice over in different words generally considered to be a fault of style

De fait, What is a paradox person? 1 : a statement that seems to say opposite things and yet is perhaps true 2 : a person or thing having qualities that seem to be opposite

What does the idiom left high and dry mean?

Definition of high and dry 1 : being out of reach of the current or tide or out of the water 2 : being in a helpless or abandoned position

What is the meaning of the phrase silver bullet?

Definition of silver bullet : something that acts as a magical weapon especially : one that instantly solves a long-standing problem

What is the meaning of the idiom pulled a long face?

pull a long face in American English or wear a long face to look sad, glum, disapproving, etc

Who invented the living dead?

Living Dead
Created by George A Romero John A Russo
Original work Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Print publications
Novel(s) List of novels

What figure of speech is he is a living dead?

Answer: Oxymorons are figures of speech in which two contradictory terms are Her singing was enough to raise the living dead

Who is the first zombie?

A new version of the zombie, distinct from that described in Haitian folklore, emerged in popular culture during the latter half of the 20th century

George A Romero (1968–1985)

First appearance Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Created by George Romero
In-universe information
Alias « Romero zombie »

What is the very first zombie?

A small, but not insignificant, number of films of the Teens and Twenties utilized plots which included voodoo themes, but none of them have survived Instead, the distinction of being the first zombie movie is usually awarded to Victor Halperin’s 1932 opus, White Zombie

Is Night of the Living Dead a metaphor?

Night of the Living Dead also uses cannibalism as a metaphor for exploitative power relations Thus, while it deals with a quite different set of social problems, Romero’s film can also be seen a sinister satire that exploits an outrageous premise in the interests of social and political critique

What literary device is the living dead?

Personification (or anthropomorphism) is attributing human features to non-humans Technically, a dead human is not a human and we give the attribute of walking to the dead

What is the meaning of living dead oxymoron?

Someone at the office might tell you, “You look like the living dead!” This means that you look very bad almost as if you are the dead come back to life!

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